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Welcome to our listing platform for educational institutions! We’re thrilled to have you join us. Whether you’re representing an international school, a learning center, or any other educational institution, this is the perfect place to showcase what you have to offer.
To get started, simply select the type of educational institution you’re adding to our platform, and click ‘Next’ to begin the process. We’ll guide you through each step to ensure your listing is comprehensive and appealing to potential students and parents.

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To ensure accurate representation and maximum appeal to prospective parents, please follow the guidelines below when filling out the listing form:
- Institution Name: Please provide the official name of your school.
- Address: Include the complete physical address, including city, state, and zip code.
- Phone Number: Provide a contact number where interested parents can reach your school.
- Comprehensive Description: This section is crucial in helping parents understand what sets your institution apart. Highlight your school’s mission, values, academic programs, extracurricular activities, unique features, and anything else that makes your school special. Be descriptive and engaging to captivate the interest of parents.
- Upload Representative Pictures: Select high-quality images that showcase different aspects of your school, including the campus, facilities, classrooms, laboratories, sports fields, library, and any other relevant areas. Ensure that the images accurately reflect the atmosphere and environment of your school.
By providing detailed and compelling information, along with captivating visuals, you’ll enhance your school’s visibility and appeal to prospective parents. Thank you for partnering with us to connect with families seeking quality education opportunities.
Should you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.